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What's happening for Mission World Aid?


Mission World Aid is delighted to support Clean Water 4 Life's water supply program in the Solomon Islands through the Australian Aid Friendship Grant program.

In Solomon Islands, hundreds of thousands of people live without close access to clean water. These communities typically experience health issues such as diarrhoea and fever, and residents often need to walk long distances daily in hot, humid conditions to collect and haul water.

Clean Water 4 Life (CW4L) trains and equips local teams to reach remote island communities with specialised well-drilling equipment, and has an established presence in Solomon Islands.

In November 2018, Mission World Aid was awarded an Australian Aid Friendship Grant, which enabled CW4L to purchase new, heavier-duty drilling equipment, along with a small truck by which the drilling teams could access remote communities.

The new equipment has been successful in drilling through very hard rock and enabling the provision of drinking water in locations that CW4L was previously unable to service. Beneficiaries testify that diarrhoea and fever are no longer a problem, and that communities have more time for family life given the reduction in long walks to remote water sources.

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